Saturday Night Main Event

Our 50 year reunion will take place Saturday, July 27, 2024. We will have great food and great fun with forever friends! So, mark your calendars, and start making your plans to attend!

The main event will take place at Oakwood Country Club in Kansas City, MO, a really lovely, casual, yet elegant venue. We will have some yummy food and non-alcoholic drink options.
The event will start at 6:30pm and go until 10pm.

What to wear? Be comfy. Jeans welcome.

There will be a CASH ONLY BAR. No credit cards will be accepted at the venue and there are no ATMs on the premises. So be sure to bring a fist full of dollars.

Our 50 year reunion is going to be a special one — hopefully the biggest gathering we’ve ever had for a reunion. Please spread the word to any former classmates you still keep in touch with, just in case we don’t have their email address. Please take a look at our large list of “Missing” classmates. If you know how we can contact any of them, let us know.

We are working hard to get sponsorships to keep the ticket price low and make this weekend super affordable for everyone!

Click here for ticket and sponsorship information.